Monday, April 23, 2007


Terry, my favorite cousin from the Philippines, used to pinch the air and say “grab that moment for later use”. He would tuck the captured air into his left breast pocket and pat at his heart. I remember on occasions when he escorted his girlfriend to her house, he would capture the moment in a pinch and say those words.

Yesterday, my daughter invited me to her LTC awards ceremony at the church we used to attend as a family. Today, I watched her sing in chorus on stage. When she looked at me from up there with that beautiful smile, I instinctively reached up to pinch the air and captured the moment into my heart.

I realized then that I will never be the perfect dad and I will always make mistakes despite my best efforts not to. But there will always be one thing I am certain will never change ---- nothing in this world can ever change how much I love them.

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
3 John 1:4


Blogger Terry said...

Your great grandpa would be SO proud of you Noel, just as I am!

In the last several months, you have come through so much sadness and yet you have kept your faith in God!

I mentioned to "Curious Servant", one time this verse that I am going to write down for you.
It is such a special verse and very touching, coming straight from the heart of God to the heart of Jacob.

Gen.42:36..."And Jacob, their father said unto them, Me have ye bereaved of my children:Joesph is not, and Simeon is not, and ye will take Benjamin away; all these things are against me."

Noel Lewis, the Lord has been with you all along and he will stay.
Your attitude is so good and I can feel that although there is a certain sadness, I can see happiness peeking through your face!![in my mind's eye].

God continue to bless you my dear and forever friend!!..From Terry

8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be very careful who you believe. You really do not know this person. God is the only one who knows averything and everybody. You might be suprised at who you are dealing with..

6:38 AM  
Blogger jel said...

morning Noel, :)

5:16 AM  

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