When I was about 7, I received a cat as a present from an unknown benefactor. Not knowing much about animals, I thought this particular cat was too large for its age. I found out later on it was a female tiger cub – a “tigress” according to my great-grampa.
I remember my great grampa telling me not to get too attached to her. Once she got too big, we would have to get rid of her.
Those summer days were some of the most memorable times of my life. I didn’t go anywhere or do anything without Tigress by my side. I remembered during rice harvest where she and I ran and ran through the freshly cut stalks, chasing after field-mice, and just jumping on and rolling on the hay stacks. Tigress became my best friend.
Unbeknownst to me, I made a promise to Tigress on the eve of what would be our last night together. I remember telling her my love for her and the promise I made that no matter what, nothing would ever come between us. The next morning, I woke up with tigress staring at me with eyes I had never seen before. Fear struck within me as my heart tried to reach out for her. Extending my hand out only served to anger her more as her eyes scowled, her mouth curled, and teeth showed. The fire in those eyes and the growl coming from her made me realize my worst fear. I was losing her.
Tigress came at me with a force that struck me to the ground. Before I knew what had happened, my grampa had tied a rope around her neck and managed to snatch her away before she could inflict any physical damage to me…
…but it was too late.
The damage she had done to my heart was more than I could take. I cried until the vast reservoir of tears from my eyes and heart were depleted.
Looking back, I knew there was nothing I could have done to keep her. She and I were just not meant to be together. However, there will always be a special place in my heart for her.

Those summer days were some of the most memorable times of my life. I didn’t go anywhere or do anything without Tigress by my side. I remembered during rice harvest where she and I ran and ran through the freshly cut stalks, chasing after field-mice, and just jumping on and rolling on the hay stacks. Tigress became my best friend.
Unbeknownst to me, I made a promise to Tigress on the eve of what would be our last night together. I remember telling her my love for her and the promise I made that no matter what, nothing would ever come between us. The next morning, I woke up with tigress staring at me with eyes I had never seen before. Fear struck within me as my heart tried to reach out for her. Extending my hand out only served to anger her more as her eyes scowled, her mouth curled, and teeth showed. The fire in those eyes and the growl coming from her made me realize my worst fear. I was losing her.
Tigress came at me with a force that struck me to the ground. Before I knew what had happened, my grampa had tied a rope around her neck and managed to snatch her away before she could inflict any physical damage to me…
…but it was too late.
The damage she had done to my heart was more than I could take. I cried until the vast reservoir of tears from my eyes and heart were depleted.
Looking back, I knew there was nothing I could have done to keep her. She and I were just not meant to be together. However, there will always be a special place in my heart for her.
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Dear Noel...I just want to tell you that Betty is well!
The doctor did do an angiogram and the results of it were very favorable.
She does not need an operation. The little amount of heart damage that she DOES have does not merit it.
She will have to just take a medicine that will prevent anymore clots from forming.
We are so happy about this!
Thank you for your prayers and now I will continue to pray for your sister Noel..
What is her name?
I will be back later to comment about your Tigress.
Just have to do a little bit of phone calling!!...From Terry
Terry... My sister-in-law's name is Diane. Please pray for her and her family as she struggles through cancer.
Dear Noel. I thought of your dear sister-in-law last night while I was at work.
It seems everytime I thought of Betty, I thought of YOUR sister.[At the time I DID think it was your sister, not your sister-in-law, but the Lord knew who I was praying for,eh?]
I will now pray for her by name. Thanks a lot Noel....from Terry
Hey Noel.. Your name means "Christmas"!
I just looked it up and your sister-in-law's name means "Celestial Hunter".
Oh by the way Noel..The reason I deleted the one comment is because I called you Joel by mistake!! Sorry about that!
I didn't have the time to explain it last night because I had to hurry and put in a blog post before I went to work.
Really, though THAT name would not suit you at all!!
You are NOEL...Christmas!!..the day Jesus was born!!
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